Please plan to attend the Parade Safety Meeting on Tuesday, March 11th at 6 p.m., along with the driver(s) of your entry. We will be going over safety guidelines and provide you with information related to lineup for the day of the parade. Driver(s) must bring their driver's license.

1. The Parade Committee reserves the right to refuse or
remove any entry, which, in their opinion, does not conform to parade rules.

2. Entries with vehicles, including those pulling floats, are required to be festively decorated.

3. Entries with floats must be safe for passengers/spectators.

4. Entries with animals must be bagged for excrement while in the assembly area and on the parade route.

5. No objects may be thrown along the parade route. This includes candy.

6. Corporate/business sponsorships may only be identified with discreet signage.

7. No vehicles are allowed in the assembly area for parking, drop off or pick up. Only entries that are being driven in the parade can be in this area.

8. If your entry is not in formation (gathered at your numbered station) at the start time of the parade, you may be bumped to the end or denied entry at the discretion of the officials. The parade order is at the discretion of parade officials.

REVERSING DIRECTION along the parade route is not permitted.

10. Performance groups must perform “on-the-go”.

11. The parade has a designated disband area at the end of the parade route. For entries with children, the person coordinating the entry should designate an area for children to be picked up. Remember to assign an adult to chaperone any children in your entry.

12. No smoking or alcoholic beverages on any parade entry at any time.

14. I acknowledge and agree to follow the above rules, and I take responsibility for making sure all participants in my registered group are aware of the rules and the consequences if they are broken.


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RegFox Event Registration Software